Happily Ever After
Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running
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Action After Dark
by admin - 17:06 on 04 March 2014
Last year was a poor one for daylight pine marten sightings, so I'm hoping for a reversal of fortune this year. However, the prospects are not encouraging.
Mystery Moggy No1 continues to plague the garden, to the annoyance of The Pride, and to scoff food put out for martens if its intended recipients are too slow to arrive. Mystery Moggy No2 is still an occasional visitor and this afternoon I spotted a newcomer, Mystery Moggy No5 (I think), having a staring match with Willow.
The good news is that martens continue to visit after dark. Two were snapped on The Nutella Tree at around 4am today but the hazy, mist-shrouded images aren't worth making public. Much better are snaps of two roe deer who spent twenty minutes foraging in the garden shortly before midnight.
The snaps showing a pair weren't worth making public either. But there were definitely at least two deer and two martens. Lets hope it's just the start of some serious garden wildlife activity.
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