Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


Horror On The Mantelpiece

by admin - 11:46 on 09 March 2014

What happened to spring? Two days ago we suffered horizontal wind peppered with snowflakes followed an hour later by a noisy hail storm. Yesterday, after a calm morning, the wind returned with even greater ferocity. The Pride was not happy.

So there should have been little surprise that the power failed early yesterday evening. Fortunately it was restored in time for us to view the latest episodes of the current BBC4 foreign crime drama, Salamander. Catch it on iPlayer if you've missed this one – it's worth the effort.

In the meantime, Matchgirl and I filled The Rural Retreat with candlelight, which threw up some interesting shadows on the mantelpiece where two china cats pose. One in particular caught my eye, demanding that the Pentax and tripod be brought into play.

This morning I amused myself with some cropping, a mono conversion and a boost in contrast to produce a 1930s image straight out of an RKO horror movie. Lon Chaney would be impressed.

Shadow Cat

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