Happily Ever After
Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running
Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.
A Challenging Day
by Russell Turner - 19:44 on 21 November 2017
Today, in the words of Matchgirl, has been a challenging day: lots of work to get out of the way before our Florence trip, performed to the background music of rain hammering on the window and the complaints of cats unwilling to brave the deluge to go about their outdoor business.
Last year, after our neighbouring farmer cleaned out his drainage ditches, there was no flooding in The Rural Retreat’s broad acres. Since then they’ve clogged up again, with predictable results.
Sandbags protect the door and wellies are needed to walk through ankle-deep water in the garden. The emergency electric pump I bought then never needed is now in action, but the lack of a fifty-foot hose means the water gushes out barely three yards from where it’s sucked up. It helps, but not a lot.
And to top it all, I have a cold. This must have been brewing yesterday and probably explains why the run was so underwhelming. Tomorrow’s 30-minute second attempt at a decent climax to the couch to 5k has been called off. Matchgirl insisted, although I’d already made the same decision.
Much of today has been spent upstairs, in self-imposed purdah, from where my bugs will find it harder to infect Matchgirl and ruin her marathon hopes. I should be healthy again by Thursday, when we leave, but if The Running Queen begins to sniffle between now and Sunday I won’t be popular.
The only bright spot of a grey day was that the Chatterbox pdf is complete and ready to be downloaded to the printer. It features our most risqué cover yet. Sales could be brisk.
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