Happily Ever After
Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running
Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.
A Hot Time In The Highlands
by Russell Turner - 20:52 on 19 December 2017
There’ll be no running tomorrow (no shower) or Thursday (giving blood) or possibly Friday (if lack of blood still affects me) so after yesterday’s slow run I returned to 5k today. My progress can be measured by the fact that when I began the couch to 5k in October I was daunted by the thought of a non-stop ten-minute run. Now I can set off on a 5k run confident that I’ll complete it without stopping or walking. The time’s rubbish (35-36 minutes) but you can’t have everything.
Today’s time might have been a record-breaker if I’d taken into account the unseasonably warm spell and swapped tights and heavy top for shorts and light top. By the end, much sweat was in evidence. This doesn’t bode well for a warm spring day in London, although the sprint finish (sort of) didn’t help.
I’ve now set a definite date for the start of the marathon programme: Boxing Day. This means that in the third week in January I’m scheduled to run/walk (but mostly run) a 90-minute, six- to eight-mile session – something that seems as unattainable as the 5k once did. But I cracked that. So far, so good.
As for Matchgirl, a marathon is no longer enough. Today she signed up for the 62-mile London to Brighton Ultra. Some people don’t know when to stop.
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