Happily Ever After
Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running
Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.
A Page Of Her Own
by admin - 18:12 on 22 July 2012
If Tigger is to be believed, in less than two weeks I'll have copies of A Cat Called Tess in my hand, so, at the risk of jinxing it, today I unveil the new page dedicated to this bestseller-in-the-making.
There's a preview of the book and sooner or later there'll be PayPal buttons to enable you to buy it, plus an extensive list of stockists. At least, I hope there'll be a list. As it's difficult to strike a deal for a book without being able to show one off, I've not yet looked very hard for outlets.
That will happen next month, when I'll also launch my media blitz and Facebook campaign (which, as I'm a grudging user, will consist of a link to help the book go viral through the efforts of more-enthusiastic Facebookophiles).
This site already has a mysterious presence on Facebook, through no effort of mine. Today (and not for the first time) it's had several hits through a Facebook link of which I know nothing. If anyone can shed any light on this, please do.
On the prowl beneath the apple tree before the grass was cut
Otherwise, today's been a quiet one for man and cat, once again deprived of Matchgirl by the lure of Shetland. Bess spent much of it snoozing in the bushes, with brief breaks to shout for food which she then ignored. No change there. The much trumpeted return (or beginning) of summer has yet to reach The Rural Retreat, but I did manage to cut the grass before the rain fell.
Marten Update: Young Marten arrived last night much too late for sharp snappery so I've used one snap to practise my Photoshop skills. Above is the untouched RAW original; below is the snap given correct colour balance, a small crop, and an arty edge by use of the pixilate filter. Click through to Flickr to see the full effect. It's been a quiet day.
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