Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


One Step Forward

by Russell Turner - 16:15 on 04 September 2024

Training for the Oxford Half Marathon continues to be one step forward, one step back. Fortunately, today’s run was in the right direction.

Week 1’s 6-mile long run was a struggle; Week 2’s seven miles was fine; Week 3’s eight miles was cut short at 60mins and 5.3 miles, which I blamed on gigs and heat but mainly lack of fortitude. How did I ever run a marathon?

Week 4’s long run, also eight miles, was scheduled for Friday because it’s another two-gig weekend. However, because of an afternoon dental appointment, and planned visits to the vet and optician on Thursday, I took the bold decision to make my long run today – particularly bold because yesterday I’d completed (successfully) the first interval session of the training block: 5x3mins at RPE 8 with 2min easy breaks.

Despite that, I completed the eight miles in the 85mins I’d estimated, although the effort it took suggests that my sub-2hr target is hopelessly optimistic unless continued training magically improves my athleticism. A cool day in Oxford would help, too.

Next week’s long run should be ten miles, but on the day I’ll cover 12.4: half in the non-stop Malton 10k, half shortly after in a very much stop-and-start gastronomic endurance test, over the same course, when Matchgirl, Ex-triathlon Cathy, Iron Paul and I will trot around, stopping several times along the way to sample Yorkshire’s finest food and drink. Fancy dress is optional. We’re all looking forward to it, although Matchgirl has some doubts about running with a full stomach. I don’t think we’ll be going fast enough for it to matter.

The following week I’m back to a proper 10-mile long run – my first time into double figures since Race to the Stones. Wish me luck.

More athletic excitement was generated today by the unexpected alert from Great North Run HQ that the ballot for next year’s event has opened. As there are no City Limits gigs currently scheduled for the weekend of September 7, 2025, I’ve thrown my running hat into the ring. Results are out by the 18th, and there’s a second chance ballot in January for unlucky entrants.

Comment from Cathy at 17:27 on 04 September 2024.
Iron Paul (love that!) is doing both events as well. It’s going to be a fun weekend 😊.
Comment from Russell at 21:05 on 04 September 2024.
I know, but he'll be well ahead of me in the first 10k.

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