Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


A Secret Hideaway

by admin - 22:39 on 13 May 2010

I've seen lots of badgers. However, in common with most people, the ones I've seen have all been dead at the side of the road. There's one decomposing just a few miles away from The Rural Retreat at this very moment.

So I'm quite excited at the prospect of seeing live ones, in the wild, next week.

The opportunity comes through the good work of the Forestry Commission rangers. All next week they'll take wildlife-lovers to a secluded spot somewhere around Loch Ness where they can watch as the creatures begin an evening's foraging. Read about it here.

Presumably the secluded spot is kept secret so pit bull owners in camouflage jackets can't find it, so how we'll reach the sett I don't know. Blindfolded, perhaps, or in the back of a Commission Land Rover with blacked-out windows. We (for Matchgirl will accompany me) will find out on Monday.

With luck the badgers will be more accommodating than Mr Marten who still insists on visiting the garden after dark when the Pentax is unable to capture even grainy snaps of him.

Collared Dove

There was a new visitor to the garden this evening (or one not observed before) but Mr Marten's influence is catching. A collared dove posed nicely in The Nutella Tree, but that's a far distance in poor light. I kept the snap anyway, despite the graininess, because it's the first. With luck there'll be better.

At least twenty varieties of feathered life have now been seen in the garden, plus an assortment of owls who prefer to be heard but not seen. So much for the fearsome Bess.

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