Happily Ever After
Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running
Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.
Still In Demand
by admin - 23:22 on 26 March 2011
The Bumper Book of Black Isle Snappery continues to be in gratifyingly big demand. Frank Nicol phoned this morning to ask for more copies and got a small handful; The Emporium asked for ten more but had to be disappointed. Sales at other outlets are reported to be good.
But we can spare no more copies until after The Official Launch Shindig, where there's a good chance we'll sell out the first run completely. That's a little frustrating for we risk losing the momentum we've built up while we wait for Norman and Co to produce the next three hundred copies.
Still, it's better than being spurned by the public and being left with two hundred unsold books.
All we can do now is wait, so today I had the opportunity to take some new snaps. Only one passed quality control, but I'm pleased with my portrait of a lady chaffinch.
The eagle-eyed may have noticed a consistent viewpoint in my recent snappery. This is partly down to laziness, but also because my latest bright idea for an ARPS panel is “Seen through the window” to contrast with glamorous shots of exotic animals in far-away places. My intention is to prove that there's as much colour and interest on any doorstep. Whether I can amass the required fifteen ace snaps remains to be seen.
Something else to look forward to is the event I've had foisted on me by Marten James: in December I'm to give a talk to the Serious Lenses at Dingwall Camera Club on a subject of my choice. Gulp.
Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking, even with accompanying snappery, this isn't something I'd usually choose to do, but I decided to be bold and accept the challenge. My subject is undecided – there's plenty of time yet – but I have a few ideas. Martens may not feature heavily but they're certain to appear at some point.
Mystery Marten made a brief visit tonight to eat her egg but left the rest of the goodies. This may have been a mistake, for the chomping heard later was made by what appeared to be a much smaller individual. I was unable to get a proper look.
So marten numbers in the vicinity of The Rural Retreat may be on the rise. Splendid news, unless you're a capercaille, according to the BBC.
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