Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


Absent Friends and Garden Action

by admin - 22:33 on 26 April 2011

Pine marten sightings are becoming a faint memory in The Rural Retreat. Our visitors pass through the garden in the small hours, the only evidence a broken eggshell and an absence of Nutella and peanut butter.

My hope is that mum's too busy with new offspring to come earlier, and that any day now we'll see some perky, fearless youngsters scrambling around the garden gate. Soo and Tony, who are to be here just for the weekend, will be hoping even harder.

As for the garden, work on a proposed Woodland Walk has made good progress, much to the interest of curious felines. Bess has found a new, very comfortable sleeping place where she's so well camouflaged that Romeo the bully can amble past within feet of her and never know.

I also have a cunning plan to relocate our disused, tumbledown shed and make it into a hide. Whether I've the necessary skills and tools is another matter.

Taking Liberties

The garden was a pleasant place to be this afternoon, for we now have the sun that everywhere but the Highlands had over the weekend. Romeo particularly enjoyed Agent Cooper's storage heater-like qualities. I suspect that Matchgirl will be less impressed by his choice of resting place.

Comment from Matchgirl at 07:28 on 27 April 2011.
If it keeps him from chasing Bess, I'm happy to offer Agent Cooper's services. Besides, the Bad Cat looks very handsome in that pose...xx
Comment from Russell at 13:46 on 27 April 2011.
Sadly, he still chases her. And when he doesn't, she goes looking for him...

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