Happily Ever After

Life in The Rural Retreat with a beautiful wife, three cats, garden wildlife, a camera, a computer – and increasing amounts about running

Earlier posts can be found on Adventures of a Lone Bass Player, where this blog began life. Recent entries can be found here.


At The Gallop

by admin - 23:22 on 02 October 2011

Matchgirl didn't mind the lack of sun this morning – she prefers to carry out her athletic pursuits in dull weather and even has no objection to the rain that fell in abundance during the Loch Ness 10k.

She wishes her time not to be made public (although you'll find it on the official website in a day or two) but she finished with a freshness many others lacked and with energy to spare, which augers well for her run in the London Marathon next April. What a star, and on her birthday too

Before then, as a warm-up she has her sights on the Inverness Half Marathon in March,. There's no stopping her.

My day was more sedate: some light chauffeuring and a short sally with the Pentax, when the sun came out again, to catch some abstract autumn colours. I feel a series coming on.


And between times a delivery trip to Cromarty where The Emporium needed more copies of The Bumper Book of Black Isle Snappery.

Sales, since our launch in March, are just a handful less than 900, including several at the Cromarty Courthouse exhibition which ended this week. The book was in such demand we even had our first theft of a copy, allegedly by Australian visitors. We'll take it as a compliment.

The exhibition has now moved to Eilean Dubh Restaurant in Fortrose, where a selection of framed prints from the book will be on show for the next month. One would look lovely on your wall. And prices are very reasonable too.

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